Top 8 strategies to increase your early adoptions!

Written by Vanshitha M

Published on Feb 01, 2024


Are you a marketer looking to enhance your brand’s retention by attracting early adopters? Let us understand why and how early adopters can add value to your product. Early adopters can be the trendsetters, they can either foster a brand’s product or lead to the product’s decline.

Who are early adopters?

Early adopters are those customers who use new products, innovations, or technology before others. They are also called “lighthouse customers” since they shed light on the new tech for others to follow and for the tech to enter the mainstream. This term originated from the book “Diffusion of Innovations” by Everett M. Rogers.


Types of early adopters:

Source: khatabook

  • Innovators: These groups of people are tech-savvies who love testing and trying out new products. They are curious and accept that new tech needs time to get perfect.
  • Early adopters: They are highly active on social media and form opinions based on facts to help other adopters. So, they are seen with utmost importance in marketing.

  • Early majority: They are averse to risk and want to spend their money effectively.
    • Late Majority: They believe in tried and tested solutions and do not risk at all.

    • Laggards: When a product has only laggards as users, it indicates a decline.

How early adopters can help your brand?

  1. Feedback: Since the product launches, your brand can figure out how exactly users are responding to your product.

  2. Premium: Early adopters pay a premium to get the product. As time goes by, the value of the product decreases.

  3. Marketing: With early adapters, word-of-mouth marketing, and referrals increase by boosting your brand’s reputation.

  4. Biased: They have taken the opportunity to buy your product before anyone, so they might even be inclined to your product.

  5. Testimonial: An honest testimonial can boost referrals.

Why do Early adopters even buy before?

  1. Brand enthusiast: If a person is an aficionado of a brand’s ecosystem, they might try out new products launched by that brand. Ex: The iPhone users who are inclined to try out new products of Apple.

  2. Influencers: Few people tend to be more adventurous and do the things people are afraid of. They buy the new technology and give feedback and their opinion. Ex: The early adopters of Tesla.

  3. FOMO: Consumers Who have Fear Of Missing Out are inclined to get ahead of the trend curve and try the product.

  4. Social Status: Few early adopters recognize social status as the primary recognition and use products that aren’t used by others.

  5. Influence on the decision: The feedback can have a great influence on the further technology development of the product.




Limitations in applicability

Some influence on developing the technology

Risk of utilizing soon-to-be obsolete product

Gaining a competitive advantage

High price for new technology

Becoming a thought leader in the tech

Loss of value and higher risk of defects

Source: Investopedia

Why people do not want to be early adopters?

  1. Premium tax: When a new technology is launched, it usually costs more and the price slowly decreases. Along with more cahs, they also have to deal with bugs and product discrepancies at the beginning of launch.

  2. Glitches: A newly launched product has more glitches than the newest models.

How to acquire early adopters?

  1. Offers: Be the brand that values each early customer and offer them rewards for trying out your product. Example: Samsung in 2020 gave its earbuds for free if users bought Samsung S20+ before the launch.

  2. Consumer feedback: Listen to your users and make changes accordingly. Example: Apple, which gives regular updates that are helpful to Apple users.

  3. Marketing: Early adopters focus actively on marketing campaigns. So, keep the entire target audience as them.

  4. First-class Customer support: A promise can be upheld to treat each user with the utmost honor and give them complete support.

  5. Know them: Know the early adopters and curate the campaigns to specifically target them as an audience.

  6. Market rightly: Segment them into the right audience and use different marketing techniques to acquire them. You can visit the Retention10 blog to learn the right marketing techniques.

  7. Solve their pain point: Most of the early adopters are experts and educated. So, if a genuine solution is given to their problem, they can look over the faults.

  8. Provide assurance: Every early adopter has taken some risk and entered this arena, provide them with complete assurance with insights, and testimonials and promise them authenticity.

Why Retention10?

Retention10 is the perfect customer retention management that can help you figure out the intricate threads of digital marketing and give your best tips on gaining and retaining clients. Join us right now, so you stay on top of all the updates on digital marketing.


In a nutshell, Early adopters are tough to come by since it takes the user’s position, marketing, and a lot of factors, but once reeled in, early adopters are the best way for the prosperity of your brand.

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Vanshitha Munipally
( Research & Content Marketer )

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